My Etsy Store

22 Jul 2016

The Latest in mid 2016

Hi all. It's been the usual while since I've last posted to which i'll give you all an update.

I have been still ongoing through the usual progress of paperwork due to loosing a loved one and still waiting on some changes I needed before going to Spain to end all the stuff that goes on with the "estate"of loss. It's been hanging over my head for over a year and a half now and since this brexit shambles that just over half of my country said they wanted, it has left my paperwork being held back and it's basically pissing me off. So in time I will be doing a blog about loss of a loved one who has moved to another country without a will in their previous living county. I think it would help people going through similar circumstances.

I have also taken the plunge to move to London so I can have more things to do, hopefully a part time job as well as improve on my little online shop and get all my art shown and noticed. It's been a while now and I prefer the London life yet still feel left out a bit at the moment. Maybe it's due to the fact that I can't get a job because I'm self employed with my online shop. I'm not sure but maybe I'll get to have more friends over time. Till then I'm still pretty much stuck with my room mate and just doing things on my own when they are working.

I'm still waiting on my laptop which has been in the need of "fixing" for months and has been in the capable hands of being fixed for over a month. I'm hoping that it'll be ready and be delivered to me at least next week so I can be live streaming again. My little shop and gaming happiness depends on it.

As for my mental state, I've been a bit better but still.... Meh I guess in times. So much so that I've been pretty neglectful of some online folks and for that i'd say sorry and thank you to those with all the patience. I've been trying to get out more and try and get my head straight and so far it's been ok. It's been ongoing and I'm sure it will be for a while. 

So That's pretty much everything up to date....

OOOOH! Before I go taking off I must hype up some of the things I have been doing since being in London. 

One of the things was going to Eid Festival in Trafalgar Square which is a celebration in the Muslim community that is happily celebrated with everyone no matter the religion or race. It was really good and had a lovely henna tattoo on my hand for a week.

Then I went to a Unity March near my home the following weekend and wandered around the park while being entertained and united by everyone against the racism going on that has come to the surface since England decided to brexit. Was a nice day and even got a photo of a squirrel.

Oh and last but by no means least, I got to go to HyperJapan Con. Was good and was plenty to see. Saw this beautiful singer I had to photo...

Singer MIOU looking beautiful at HyperJapan Con

I had to get some photos of the kitties about too...

Anime Cat from HyperJapan Con

cute! :P

Kitty from one of the Games at HyperJapan Con

Oh and for all the Pokemon Go folks (myself included) I cad to catch me a real Pikachu...

PIKAAAA! Pikachu at HyperJapan Con London

So NOW that is everything up to date. If anyone is about London then they might see me over the weekends at various places and events going on. If anyone does see me feel free to say hello. I don't bite.... no really I don't. 

Till next time folks... thank you for reading and putting up with me. 

You are all awesome.